Sunday, March 23, 2014

A Special Visitor to Our Garden

The last week we had a special visitor at our house garden. Perhaps he knew that we had pet animals like a dog and a cat at our home. He must have felt it secure to land in our garden for a small break.

It was early morning. As I was watering the plants, I suddenly realised the presence of a strange bird in the garden. I first thought it to be an owl and later as an eagle. Only subsequently I came to know that it was a Black Kite. I got a feeling that it might have been wounded and was taking rest in our garden.

The bird allowed me to take several photographs. I could even take extremely close up shots. It gave an indication that it does not intend to fly away early. I was a bit worried initially that it may be attacked by dogs or cats. But fortunately our garden is fully protected with fencing and stray dogs have no entry.

Both my sons arrived to see the strange guest and took several photographs. We offered dog food, baked eggs and water to the guest. But he simply refused to eat. We kept a close watch on his movements. We found him moving to different locations at different times within the garden only on his legs. Only once he opened his wonderful wings. He stayed with us for two full days and flew away on the third night. Here are a few photographs of the wonderful guest:

I think I have arrived at a safe place. It looks so secure!

Let me see what should I do here?  Let me move.

 Wonderful green leaves I should say!

Do I feel a bit dizzy!

Let me keep my head down and sleep.

 Did I sleep for long? I really have no clue!

 I feel fully refreshed with so many green leaves around!

I am back on air! Tata ! Good Bye!


Narain said...

You are indeed very fortunate to host such a lovely and wonderful visitor for a couple of days. The bird indeed should have known that it could be very safe in your premises.

gtholpadi said...

This is wonderful Krishnamurthy maava! I feel your home and family has been blessed by Garuda-deva. I hope the kite is alright now, and I hope your garden continues to be a haven for our furry and feathered brothers and sisters. :-)
--Goutham Tholpadi

Unknown said...

I had a similar guest about a decade ago. The bird stayed for 3 days. When it could not recover, we contacted to Animal Lovers Association and handed over for suitable treatment.

B. G.Rao